At the beginning of December my elderly mother (91) was hospitalized for something quite minor but she went downhill over the course of almost 7 weeks and sadly passed away near the end of January. We know that we will eventually lose our parents but it was still difficult.
I am trying to feel normal again and get back to my stitching and quilting, I know that is what my Mom would have wanted me to do.
Since I am still learning how to do all this blogging stuff I thought I would start by showing you one of my WIP. It is the free pattern from Papillon from 2008 and I am only at the end of part 3. They gave out one part a month for the whole year but I did not find it or start it until June, maybe someday I will get it done. It took me quite a while to decide on my colors and I had some help from my stitching friends but I am really happy with what I finally chose. It is amazing to go on the Papillon website and look at the photo gallery and see all the different color choices that people from all over the world made when they stitched this pattern.
I have several more WIPs that I will post pictures of someday but right now I have not figured out how to put up more than one picture per post and anyway it will be more interesting if I just show my WIPs one at a time.
Thanks for stopping by and happy stitching